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2020 World Intelligent Connected Vehicle Conference had grand opening


On November 11th,  2020 World Intelligent Connected Vehicles Conference with the theme of "Intelligent New Era, Vehicle Connected and New Life" was grandly opened in Beijing. 

The conference was co-sponsored by Beijing Municipal People's Government, Ministry of Industry and Information Technology,  Ministry of Public Security, t Ministry of Transport, and the China Association for Science and Technology. Cai Qi, member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and Secretary of the Beijing Municipal Committee, attended the opening ceremony and announced the opening of the conference. Xiao Yaqing, Minister of Industry and Information Technology, Chen Jining, Mayor of Beijing, and Huai Jinpeng, Secretary of the Party Group, Executive Vice Chairman of the China Association for Science and Technology, and First Secretary of the Secretariat , Liu Zhao, Deputy Minister of Public Security, Liu Xiaoming, Deputy Minister of Transport, and Houlin Zhao, Secretary General of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) delivered speeches respectively. Yin Yong, Member of the Standing Committee of the Beijing Municipal Party Committee and Deputy Mayor, presided over the opening ceremony of the conference.


As the speech of Chen Jining  stated, Beijing attaches great importance to the development of the intelligent and connected automobile industry, plays the supporting and leading role of platforms such as the National Intelligent and Connected Automobile Innovation Center, formulates and implements innovative development action plans, innovates regulatory models, implements traffic safety assessments, and increases simulations Test application, the first in the country to carry out an open road test of autonomous driving vehicles.


Up to now, Beijing has opened 200 public test roads with a total length of 700 kilometers. It has issued road test licenses for self-driving vehicles for 87 vehicles of 14 companies, and the safety test mileage exceeds 2 million kilometers. This year, the world's first networked cloud-controlled high-level autonomous driving demonstration zone was built.


During the three-day conference period from 11th to 13th, a series of activities such as  four theme summits, two high-end dialogues, and one famous cloud lecture  will be held. In addition, there will also be a number of special events such as the experience on road testing and demonstration applications of intelligent connected vehicles, an international cooperation roundtable forum, and the innovation and practice of autonomous driving city terminal distribution.







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